The Decisive Battles of World History — Gregory Aldrete — Lukewarm

In part, this is a review of the material in the Decisive Battles of World History, in part, it's a review of The great courses. Specifically, it's not a book; It's explicitly a "lecture series". It's clearly segmented into 40 30-minute lectures. Typically, a traditional book has chapters deeply interconnected with one another, built on a plot or theme that gives the volume a sense of continuity. In this course, each lecture covers a single battle with relatively little connecting it to other lectures.This means that listening can be more spaced out (you don't need fresh details in your mind) but it also means that the content doesn't sink in as well (much less interleaved retrieval). The content was interesting but not very impactful. The most interesting part was the argument for the importance of each battle relative to other battles in history. The idea is that each battle in the series had an uncertain outcome with significant cultural, religio...