Educated--Tara Westover--Lukewarm

This book was thoroughly thought-provoking. My Lukwarm rating isn't because I think the writing or the material was "meh". The problem is, it lacks a conclusion. The good bits. The first 16-17 years of the book are an excellent read. It gives some real perspective in to the importance of a deep and broad education in terms of empowering the little guy. It also highlights the importance of the community. Every time Tara would recount one of her nightmarish scenes I was screaming in my head WHERE IS HER BISHOP!?/Hometeacher/ young woman's leaders/ neighbor. It was good to hear how she got out of a bad situation and how she stood up for herself and then made such strides in educating herself. It was fantastic to hear about all the help she received from various people including her bishop, once she got out of her home. What it's not. I've listened to a few interviews and read a few reviews and many of the interviewers and critics who haven't read th...