
Showing posts from June, 2020

1493--Charles C. Mann-- Recommend with salt

This book seems extraordinarily well researched. The writing is good and there are several very thought-provoking pieces of insight. My biggest problem with it is that Charles Mann lacks the proper credentials to write it and I lack the expertise to judge if he did a good job with it. I can at least weigh in on the areas that touch my expertise. The economics portions are reasonably accurate and thorough. He misses the mark on a few occasions but there is enough correct and balancing information to make it a good effect. The descriptions of the economic effects of the silver trade regarding monetary policy are apt. The economic arguments regarding slavery are apt, I can't speak to the takedown. I also can't speak to the ecological and agricultural arguments. Sorry, I wish I could be more helpful! I'm planning on learning more about the subject, maybe I can update it once I'm in a better place to judge. in the meantime, here's a more expert review .

Dreamers and Deceivers -- Glen Beck -- Recommend with Salt

My feelings about Glen Beck are mixed in the political arena, but this book isn't about politics; it's about people.  Dreamers and Deceivers is a fun read.  In order to gain the maximum benefit from the book, you have to go in knowing that it's not history, it's historical fiction. The distinction between the two can often become blurry, and certainly, this is more based in fact than say, a good GA Henty novel. Just for fun, I compared the historicity of Beck's Turing story to "imitation game" with benedict Cumberbatch. Can you guess who won? It wasn't close. Beck was way more historical in his take. Ultimately I think he did a good job fusing entertainment with history: better than most. The fundamental appeal of Dreamers and deceivers is hidden knowledge. Basically, read this and you'll know some fun details about historic events that you can use to impress your friends at dinner parties and could even be useful to illustrate points in present...

Foundation -- Isaac Asimov -- Lukewarm

I read this because people I admire talked about it (Elon musk, Orson Scott Card, Ben Shapiro). It's classic science fiction in an ancient context. It was published in the 50s, 15 years before the earliest start trek, 25 years before star wars, and 35 years before Enders game, all of which are ancient history. In many ways, it belongs to the era of   Edgar Rice Burroughs'  Prince of Mars or even H.G. Well's War of the Worlds more than it does modern science fiction. That being said, there are some truly brilliant ideas explored in the text. First, the book doesn't follow a protagonist, which means no character development and no human story. Instead, Asimov overtly follows humanities' story, jumping from viewpoint to viewpoint and century to century in galactic civilization. In some ways, it reads more like a collection of short stories in Sanderson's Cosmere or perhaps even something from the MCU, but the novel still manages to drive a narrative crafted aro...

Getting Things Done-- David Allen-- Can't Recommend

Getting things done is an encyclopedic volume of how David Allen  thinks personal organization should be done. In honesty, I found it so dry that I didn't even finish it! In my inspirational vs informational quadrant, the GTD method falls squarely into informational. This isn't to say that the information is bad, merely that it's unreadable. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if I would have actually read it as opposed to listening to it. The overall theme is laudable. The point of the system, as he explains it, is to make your mind like water. When something is thrown into it, it causes momentary ripples but quickly returns to a placid surface. To accomplish this he describes a six-step system.  First, find a  trustable system  you trust to capture every action that might be accomplished into your life.  If you can't rely on your system, you will constantly fret about things you might be forgetting. He talks about a filing cabinet or an app. ...