Candide-- Voltaire-- Reccomend with salt

I picked this book up because I've been wanting to read something by Voltaire ever since I heard Hugo throwing his name around in Les Miserables. Since then, the desire to read Voltaire has been stocked by Tolstoy , C. S . Lewis , Ben Shapiro , and Stefan Zweig. He's a classic author that merits some attention. I must say this is not what I was expecting. I listened to the whole thing in just a few days, it was only a few hours long. I think the simplest way to describe it is The Alchemist in Satire. Here's a more broken down version. Candide grew up in a castle in Germany with the core philosophy that "this is the best of all possible worlds" caricaturized by the statement "Observe, that the nose has been formed to bear spectacles-this we have spectacles." obviously confusing cause and effect. the rest of the book revolves around this premise. His adventures include getting kicked out of the castle for kissing the resident Princess (He'...